Why Golfers Wear Hats: 5 Reasons You May Not Know

Why Golfers Wear Hats

Do you think about why golfers wear hats? Well, imagine you’re spectating a golf tournament on a sunny day, and the sun just keeps coming your way and blocking your view, and wearing a hat is the only option to prevent it. 

Now, consider the same for golfers, the only difference is that they wear a hat for a perfect swing. But that’s not all of it.

There are several reasons a golf player wears a hat on the field, and if you are unaware of it. In this article, I have explained the most common five reasons why golfers wear hats.

5 Reasons Why Golfers Wear Hats: Explained

Golf players spend a lot of their time on the golf course which leads to wearing a hat to protect themselves from heat and sun radiation. Otherwise, the player may get exhausted or drained out, or in the worst case scenario (may get a heat stroke).

Below, I have explained even further why golfers wear hats!

1 – Protection From Sun

As I said before, the most common reason you will see a golf player wearing a hat is to protect themselves from the sun. Golf players spend, a couple of hours whether it’s a PGA Tour or Amateur competition, and wearing a hat protects their face from direct contact with the sun.

It is estimated that only in the United States, around 3 million people get skin cancer from the sun. Unlike any other sports, Golf players and caddies can increase their chance of getting skin cancer by staying for hours under the sun. In this scenario, wearing a hat gives extra protection, and reduces your chance of getting skin damage.

On the other hand, playing golf on a sunny day may also result in skin dullness and getting tan color which I would never prefer to get on the field. Wearing a hat is a must for me.

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2 – Wearing A Hat Improves Visibility

Golf is a game of precision and discipline. Whether you are calculating a perfect swing, or expecting a specific range for a ball to cover, every move matters. And if your vision needs to be clearer than other players, you may experience the consequences.

Wearing a hat improves your field visibility and helps keep an eye on the tiny white ball after making a powerful shot. It’s a common reason most professional golf players wear hats on the field.

3 – To Look Stylish And Classy

Despite protecting yourself from the sun or improving your visibility, another benefit of wearing a hat on the field is to look good and stylish. The golf hats come in different sizes, shapes, and designs that can match your outfit and improve your appearance on the field. 

There’s a variety of colors, designs, and monograms available in the hats that professional golf players select to look fashionable. Some common examples of golf hats are visors, straw hats, bucket hats, etc. 

4 – Brand Endorsements & Sponsorships

Another common reason you will see a golfer wearing a hat is because of brand sponsorships and promotions. Golf players are considered as walking ads and moving billboards for brands and companies.

Several pro golfers such as Tiger Woods, and Korn Ferry from PGA Tours have a fanbase of millions of people watching them around the globe. Considering it a great opportunity, golf players charge enormous amounts of money to promote brand products by wearing a hat on the field 

The sponsorship money from a brand varies from player profile and rankings. For example, a player like Bubba Watson can charge millions for wearing a branded hat on the field, but other golf players may charge ten grand. 

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5 -To Achieve A Perfect Shot In Rainy Condition

Last but not least, some golf players prefer to wear hats during extreme weather conditions to make sure no external aspects are affecting their game. Imagine, you’re competing in a professional tour like PGA and suddenly the climate has changed from being a sunny day to rain and stormy weather.

At this point, there are only two options for you, either you draw the match and wait for the rain to stop or you continue to play your shot without giving any excuses. Now, wearing a hat at this point will prevent raindrops from impacting your swing.

Why Golfers Wear Hats Backwards In The Rain?

Have you ever wondered why golf players wear their hats backward in the rain? Is it because they are unprofessional? Or are they disrespecting the game?

There’s a very particular reason for wearing a hat backward in the rain. Because, when it’s raining heavily and your hat gets extremely wet and you bend down to putt, hit a shot, or try to make a perfect swing, the bill of your hat starts to drip which impacts a player’s peripheral vision. 

However, turning the hat backward prevents this from happening and there would be no bill in the front that drips the water and impacts a player’s shot.

Why Do Some Players Not Wear The Hats?

After considering all the reasons that I mentioned above, It’s an uncommon thing to see a golf player not wearing a hat on the field.

It’s hard to understand why most golf players are not interested in wearing a hat. Concluding,  wearing a hat is a personal choice, some golf players do not like wearing extra accessories during the game, while others do everything they can to ensure a perfect swing no matter if there are extreme weather conditions.

But wearing a hat makes perfect sense, and that’s why professional golf players leave no room for mistakes and are always prepared for a perfect shot 

Final Words

Wearing a golf hat has shown us its practical uses and how often it can impact a player’s game. Although, wearing one is a matter of personal preference. But considering the benefits it provides, wearing a golf hat can protect you from sun radiation and improve your visibility for a perfect swing. 

In addition, wearing a matching hat that fits with your outfit can significantly improve your appearance on the field. If you are a golf enthusiast or do caddy for others I recommend wearing a hat under the open sky

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When Did Golfers Start Wearing Hats?

Ans: Baseball caps were primarily designed for baseball players to protect their eyes and faces. But, as golf gained popularity, golf players started wearing baseball caps during the 1920s and 1930s for the same reason

Q: Why Do Most Golfers Wear White Hats?

Ans: Most golf players prefer to wear white hats because it’s a cool color and does not absorb heat compared to other colors such as black, blue, orange, etc. 

Q: Why Do Golfers Remove Their Hats?

Ans: Removing a hat after the match is a sign of respect. Every golf player respects the game and shows the audience that golf means much more than to them.

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