6 Most Common Icon Golf Cart Problems: Here’s How To Fix Them Without An Expert

In this article, you will learn about six most common icon golf cart problems that you can easily fix without an expert!

The Icon golf carts are currently penetrating the market by providing reliable, comfortable, and affordable options for golf carts. Whether you own an electric or gas icon golf cart, you may encounter icon golf cart problems or some technical issues in the future. 

However, as every problem comes with a solution, you may need to call an expert to fix the issue. In this article, I have highlighted some common icon golf cart problems and a simple solution you can do yourself.

6 Common Icon Golf Cart Problems With A Solution

No matter whether you properly maintain your golf cart or give it a routine checkup, it’s common to experience common Icon golf cart problems. Below, I have mentioned some of them with a solution.

1 – Dead Or Weak Battery

Batteries are an important part of an icon golf cart especially when you have an electric model. They require proper maintenance and can still be dead or fail to work efficiently. The first sign that your golf cart battery is not working properly is that your icon golf cart won’t start.

Secondly, your battery water levels are low that’s why they are not performing well. In another case, you might be seeing external damages or cracks on a golf cart battery which is a clear sign that there’s something wrong with your icon golf cart battery. 

How To Fix This Issue?

  • Inspect any leakages or signs of damage on the battery. Clean the rust on the surface and terminals.
  • Look out for any loose connections or torn wires
  • Use a multimeter to check the voltages

Read this article to learn more about How To Check Your Golf Cart Battery!

2 – Tire Pressure Or Flat Tires

Icon Golf Cart Problems

Another icon golf cart problem is low tire pressure which is a common thing whether you own a golf cart, bike, car, or truck. If you notice that your tire has unstable pressure or you’re experiencing low traction on the golf course, check the air pressure in every tire. 

With the help of an air pump and air pressure check meter, you can maintain an appropriate pressure. For a flat tire, you can start the process by raising your car using a jack and replacing your tire with a new one.

How To Fix This Issue?

  • Take a pressure gauge to look for the exact pressure a tire contains. For using a pressure gauge, remove the cap on the air valve and press the end of your gauge into the valve. 
  • After a few seconds, pull the gauge away and you can see the exact pressure in psi on the display of the meter.
  • Use a portable air pump to fill the air in your icon golf cart tires. Use the pressure gauge to ensure whether you need to fill more air or release a bit from the tire to maintain the pressure.

Read More: Icon Golf Cart Review: Top 10 Models

3 – Ignition & Motor Issues

If you have properly fixed your batteries and you’re still facing problems with your icon golf cart, you may need to check your motors. 

The simplest way to fix this issue is by pressing the reset button which you can see after unscrewing the panel where motors are located. In several cases, the problem will be solved. If not, the second step you should take is to remove your motors and check them separately. 

If the new motor is working fine within the golf cart, then your previous motor is burned or damaged. With the right tools, you can fix the issue by yourself. But if you lack tools and do not have prior knowledge on fixing icon golf cart motors, try consulting a professional from the dealership or look for a repair shop. 

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4 – Solenoid Not Working

In electric golf carts, the solenoid is a coil of wire responsible for passing the electric current to the switch to start and other parts of the golf cart. It’s the most common part that works constantly, and it’s not uncommon to replace it.

For those who are not familiar with this part. Have you ever heard a “clicking” sound when starting your golf cart, that’s a Solenoid!

If you didn’t hear any “clicking” when starting, it’s a sign that your icon golf cart solenoid is not functioning well due to a loose wire or broken coil. If you’ve experienced this icon golf cart problem after a long time owning it, then corrosion can also be a reason for its not working properly. 

5 – Faulty Horn

The horn is the most important part of your golf cart as it’s crucial for safety. Without a horn, you will be unable to aware others of your presence on the road.

Every mechanical working part comes with an expiry. With that said, facing an issue with your icon golf cart horn makes sense. To fix this issue, icon golf cart owners can take several steps such as:

  • Replacing it with a new horn
  • Checking the fuse and changing it

However, it’s a cost-effective yet crucial fix you should consider for your safety. 

6 – Direction & Speed Malfunctioning

Are you facing difficulty running your icon golf cart to its full potential? Does it fail to speed up like it used to be?

This Icon golf cart problem could be the result of a faulty direction switch or potentiometer. The simplest way to fix this issue is by replacing it with a new one. And for the speed malfunctioning, there might be a crack on your potentiometer or a loose wire which impacts the speed performance. 

I would suggest you spare this part for the experts and professionals only unless you are a technical guy yourself. 

Final Words

Encountering icon golf cart problems is not an uncommon thing. For some problems, you can find a solution by yourself with the right tools and proper knowledge. 

Although, if you’re not a technical person and have to deal with a faulty direction meter or malfunctioned motor, It would be a wise move to call an expert on this matter to not mess things up. 

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