How To Start A Golf Simulator Business: Detailed Guide To Get Started!

This detailed guide will teach you how to start a golf simulator business from scratch. I will cover every single information you need to get started with your dream business!

Are you looking to start a golf simulator business but don’t know where to start? I’ve got your back!

Indoor golf simulator facilities are becoming popular among golf enthusiasts because they offer an immersive golfing experience. As technology becomes more advanced and helpful, people use indoor golf centers to improve their gaming skills.

However, playing at an indoor golf center is comparatively affordable and more flexible. Starting a commercial golf simulator business doesn’t seem like a big deal at the surface level.

There are a lot of challenges you may face while starting a 24/7 golf simulator business. In this blog post, I have provided a detailed guide on how to start a golf simulator business that makes enormous profits.

What Is A Golf Simulator Business?

A commercial indoor golf simulator facility is a dedicated space where various golf simulators using different components and settings can provide a golf simulation experience.

This virtual golfing experience is more versatile and accessible for every person who wants to play or improve their skills before stepping on an actual golf course. 

It’s a popular business model that is growing rapidly worldwide. Each simulator is in a specific room that can be rented per hour or day at a golf simulator facility. Players can also bring their high-quality equipment for a more enhanced experience. 

If you think golf simulator businesses are more popular today than six years ago, you’re not wrong. During the COVID-19 pandemic, indoor golf facilities exploded as people could not enjoy golfing at outdoor golf clubs. 

According to Strait, the market of golf simulators for business is expected to grow 9.2% more in the upcoming years. Several logical reasons support this prediction. These indoor facilities allow golf players to play all year round without worrying about extreme weather conditions. 

Secondly, these businesses are located in urban areas, which makes them more accessible for anyone to play. While managing your time and going out on an actual golf course is time-consuming and an expensive hobby, playing on a simulator is often cheaper and time-saving. 

Considering these key factors, it’s not a big deal that golf simulator businesses are getting popular. And if you’re planning to start a simulation business, now is the right time. 

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How To Start A Golf Simulator Business: Step-By-Step Guide

Starting a commercial golf simulator business comes with particular challenges and hurdles.  With in-depth research about your targeted market and location, you can stay one step ahead of your competitors.

To provide a lucrative environment to your customers, you must consider the factors mentioned below. Read more to learn how to start a golf simulator business.

1 – Select The Right Business Model

The most important key factor you shouldn’t ignore is to select an ideal golf simulator business model. There are a variety of indoor golf business plans that you can follow to attract customers and generate revenue. 

Choosing the right business plan will ensure stable growth without compromising anything. Check out some of the most popular and high-demand indoor golf business ideas:

Pay-Per-Hour Model 

The pay-per-hour model is a standard business model in which customers pay an hourly rate to use indoor golf facilities. This model offers excellent flexibility, as customers only pay for their use time. 

As a business owner, you can offer additional services such as food, beverages, or golf equipment to charge more. In this golf simulator business model, the flow of revenue depends heavily on customer turnover. 

Membership Model 

The membership business model is a lucrative business plan in which you have fixed customers who pay monthly for playing golf simulators. You can charge your customers an annual or monthly fee for a 24/7 golf simulator service.

You can also offer additional services by providing them with coaching classes or golf lessons from the basic to advanced levels. 

To succeed in a membership model, you must invest more in marketing and promoting your facility to acquire loyal customers. 

Franchise Model

The franchise business model requires a significant investment and involves dealing with legal documentation. It is perfect for investors and entrepreneurs willing to enter a golf simulator business with a proven brand or success record. 

You can enjoy stable revenue through royalties and set initial costs, resulting in rapid expansion and customer growth. 

This golf simulator business plan is challenging and only suitable for some. Unless you’re already dominating the market, it’s better not to opt for franchise mode. 

Retail Hybrid Model

A retail hybrid business model is like placing golf simulators at a retail store where customers can experience the simulation experience. This way, you can offer your customers a chance to try out golf simulators and purchase equipment simultaneously. 

In this business model, you can sell products, provide club fitting services, and charge an hourly fee for using your facility. However, you can set a variety of income streams that contribute towards your business’s net profit. 

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2 – Conduct Market & Customer Research

To start a successful simulator business, you need to identify your customers and why you should serve them. Start by conducting thorough market research and understanding your targeted audience. 

This way, you can learn about the demand, supply, and local competition you will deal with. However, your targeted customer can significantly impact the success of your golf simulator business. 

Break down your research into different groups and identify which customers you will serve. For example, if your targeted customers are mostly family, you should focus on buying and setting up equipment perfect for kids instead of investing in high-end equipment.

Study the demographics and preferences of local golfers and see which type of environment fascinates them. Another example to understand this concept better is mentioned below:

“Suppose you’re serving high-end golfers who are looking to improve their gaming skills. For this purpose, you may need top-notch golf simulators for business that provide detailed analysis about their swing and motion speed.” 

Do a quick survey to determine how many people already serve in your local area. Find their weaknesses and try to create an irresistible offer for them. Studying your customers will help you make an informed decision about your business in the future. 

3 – Select The Right Location

How to start a golf simulator business

Do you know why golf simulator businesses are becoming popular? They are located in ideal locations that are accessible to anyone. You should choose an area where your business is highly visible and people are walking by. 

You can choose a sports complex, a high-traffic area, a mall, or a grocery store. However, when choosing the right location, it’s also important to consider how much space you would need. 

Finding the right location can be challenging because once your business is on the roll, you may need to expand further. This is where things get a bit tricky. You may need ample space, but it will cost you more, and there’s a high chance that most of your simulator bays will sit empty. 

So, try to find something ideal that doesn’t cost you higher rentals and stands perfect for future expansion. 

Things You Should Keep In Mind While Selecting The Right Location:

  • Research the locations of the current golf facilities and choose the one that interacts less with your competition.
  • Find out how many golf simulators you plan to install and what other amenities you will provide, such as lounges, bars, restaurants, or retail areas. 
  • Compare the pros and cons of purchasing or leasing the selected property. Leasing a property may help you save extra costs, which can be further invested in other business operations. However, buying your property could be cost-effective in the long run. 
  • Before you decide on a location, check for legal documentation and see if the property isn’t involved in criminal or unauthorized activities. Also, ensure your business complies with rules and regulations, such as opening hours. 

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4 – Crafting A Comprehensive Golf Simulator Business Plan

Creating a comprehensive golf simulator business plan is essential for business success. This plan will help you understand your business’s main objectives while setting the right expectations. 

While creating a golf simulator business plan, focus on the key elements that ensure a solid foundation for your business. Here are some key details that you shouldn’t ignore: 

Summary Draft 

Start writing a rough summary of your golf simulator business plan, where you will highlight the fundamental concepts of your business model. 

In the summary, note the market potential, targeted customers, and marketing strategies to promote your business. In simple words, understand the mission statement, which should relate to your business’s primary objectives. 

Market Analysis  

Market analysis is another vital element your indoor golf business plan should have. 

Conduct a thorough golf simulator market analysis and understand the demographics of your targeted audience. In addition, find out which landscape has more customer potential. 

Secondly, study the industry’s current trends and incorporate them into your golf simulator business plan. 

Select Business Model 

Starting an indoor golf business seems challenging at first. There are various business models that you can work on. Clearly describe your business model and identify which would be more profitable in your area. 

Ask yourself whether you are starting an indoor golf facility to entertain or train beginner players. 

Secondly, you should know how many simulators you need to improve the customer experience. Do your customers need to line up to play, or do you have enough units to compensate multiple customers at a time? 

Marketing & Sales Strategies

Craft a compelling marketing plan that helps you reach your targeted audience effectively in less time. Your indoor golf simulator business marketing strategy should include online and offline marketing tactics. 

Leverage the potential of online marketing, including PPC, Facebook, and Google ads. On the other hand, improve your brand identity by promoting your golf simulator business through brochures, banners, and display advertisements. 

The primary purpose of your marketing and sales strategies should align with customer retention. 

Business Operations

Write down the details of your business operations in your indoor golf business plan, such as staff training, employee recruitment, management, technologies, and software that you may need to operate day-to-day business tasks. 

However, the more you invest in your business operation, the better customer experience you can provide. I suggest hiring trained staff and experts to manage your employees for efficient business operations. 

Finance Management

The potential and chance of your business success heavily depends on how much funds you will invest. To start an indoor golf facility, write down financial details for proper management, such as:

  • Start-up cost
  • Daily expenses
  • No. of revenue streams
  • Employee salaries
  • Cost of golf simulator 
  • Break-even analysis

If things didn’t go as planned or you ran out of funds, there would be a possibility of reaching out to investors for external funding. In that case, note down how much money you will need and how you will use it. 

In addition, what’s the projected return on investment you will give to your investors? 

You shouldn’t ignore these critical factors while managing your finances. 

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5 – Selecting The Right Equipment & Simulator Setup

Once you have set the place and built the foundation of your golf simulator business, it is time to invest in golf simulator accessories such as impact screens, launch angles, golf balls, golf nets, etc.

Some business owners already have the idea of buying the equipment before setting up the place. This helps them to plan their location with the right technologies. 

When it comes to the cost of golf simulator, there are various factors that you should consider. For instance, you must have a clear budget for buying commercial golf simulators. You can purchase low-end, mid-range, or high-end golf simulators. 

In addition, the size of each unit is significant. Golf simulators often have different aspect ratios, such as 4:3 and 16:10. Determine the size you dedicate to each projector and purchase accordingly. 

However, invest in high-end simulators if you plan to run a 24/7 golf simulator business. They are cost-effective in the long run because low-end units will cost more to maintain. 

Obtain the necessary documents and licenses to operate your business with peace. There’s a high chance your local law will require zoning permits or health certifications. 

Register LLC properly and obtain a business license. If you’re unfamiliar with local laws, I suggest consulting with local authorities. They will guide and help you get the necessary licenses and permits to run your golf simulator business without worrying about anything. 

7 – Setting The Right Price & Packages

Setting the right price and package greatly contributes to your business’s profit and monthly revenue. You should discuss this when creating a golf simulator business plan. 

However, there are various factors that you should keep in mind, such as: 

  • Your initial investment in golf simulator installation and other renovations
  • Monthly expenditures such as rent, employee salaries, insurance, and other recurring expenses
  • Monthly maintenance, staffing, software updates, consumables (golf balls, tees, other utilities)
  • Unexpected repairs and additional services such as coaching or food/drinks

When deciding on monthly packages and pricing, set a decent margin while covering the costs of the above elements. 

On the other hand, conduct competitor research to determine your competitors’ different price ranges. Create a list of at least 10 competitors you will compete with, and find the answers below questions:

  • Which type of services they are offering?
  • What are their locations?
  • Quality of their equipment?
  • What kind of audience are they targeting?

Once you have answered these questions, create different pricing and package options. Ensure they align with your business objective, and you won’t have to pay out of pocket at the end of the month. 

You can create three different types of price ranges as a service provider:

Economy Package: Offer affordable prices to attract more customers. This will create a large customer base, which is only possible if you have multiple simulators.

Competitive Package: To attract price-conscious customers, offer the same prices as your competitors or at least 10% less than theirs. Your goal is to attract more customers so your business can outrank your competitors.

Premium Package: In the premium package, charge higher rates but offer additional services such as premium lounge access, high-quality simulators, foods and beverages, club fitting, and coaching services. You may experience a low flow of customers who sign up for premium packages, but they are the individuals who will make you more money. 

Have a quick sneak-peak to get an idea of the pricing structure:

Hourly ChargesMonthly MembershipsBundle PackagesCorporate Packages
You can charge your customers hourly charges.

Charge higher during peak hours such as weekends or evenings.

Offer discounts to groups and encourage more customers to pay
Offer a membership program to your customers.

Provide discounted or unlimited access for a fixed monthly fee. This way, you can promise a steady income.

Create different tier packages )bronze, silver, gold) in which you can offer various levels of access, facilities, and benefits
Create a bundle package for your premium customers.

Maintain the scarcity of your golf simulator business and offer special packages for certain seasons, such as winter golf training.

Create packages of 5,10, or 20 sessions with a discounted rate. This will allow you to upsell your simulation services.
Target corporate clients and offer them packages for a particular company event. 

Add extra benefits such as catering services or exclusive equipment access.

Offer them special discounts for client entertainment, and set tournaments for them with prizes. 

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Example Pricing Model For A Commercial Golf Simulator Business

1 – Hourly Rates:

  • Peak Season: $50/hour
  • Off-Season: $30/hour

2 – Monthly Memberships:

  • Silver (10 hours/month) for the price of $300
  • Gold (Unlimited Access) for the price of $550
  • Platinum (Unlimited Access With High-Tech Equipment) for the price of $850

3 – Session Packages: 

  • 5 sessions for $225 (5% discount)
  • 10 sessions for $400 (20% discount)

4 – Corporate Packages

  • 10-hour session + catering for 8-10 people for the price of $900

8 – Training Your Staff

Staff training is one of the most critical factors you should manage carefully. The success of your golf simulator business depends on how trained your staff is and how much effort they invest to improve the customer experience. 

Hire trained staff who are familiar with golf simulators and know about the equipment. You can train them yourself or call an expert to provide staff training. A well-trained staff member needs to greet customers warmly and guide them through the process while answering their questions. 

You need a proper team of people with different skill sets to run your golf simulator business successfully. This team should include:

Customer Service Representative: Well-trained staff who can provide a personalized experience to your customers, such as advice on operating equipment and tips on improving your skills. 

  • Technicians: Expert technicians who are familiar with and well-trained golf simulators. They can ensure that your simulators are working correctly. A trained technician can troubleshoot issues, enhance functionality, and minimize downtime. 
  • Software Experts: These technicians are experts in operating golf simulator software. They are familiar with various gaming modes, golf courses, and data analytics, allowing them to assist customers during simulation sessions. 
  • Safety Officer: A safety officer maintains safety protocols and advises customers on using and operating equipment safely. They conduct regular maintenance to ensure that golf simulators work properly.
  • Customer Relationships: Besides customer representatives, you need a well-trained person who builds relationships with your customers and retains them for regular visits. This helps improve customer loyalty and strengthens brand visibility. That said, they also deal with customer complaints and ensure they are handled properly so that customers feel valued and satisfied. 

Are Golf Simulator Businesses Profitable?

At this point, are golf simulator businesses profitable?

In simple words, YES! But there are many factors that you should consider to make high margins.  

Starting a golf simulator business requires significant upfront investments and a solid business plan. You also need a variety of hardware and software and an ideal location. 

The hardware includes projectors, a golf impact screen, sensors, cameras, and one-time installation charges. However, your software runs the hardware smoothly, mostly with a monthly subscription program. 

To calculate your profit, it’s important to consider how much you will invest in your equipment and overall setup. 

On average, the cost of golf simulator is between $2500 and $35000 per bay, including everything you need to run your machine, such as equipment, software, etc. 

Now, if each unit costs around $15,000 and you plan to purchase six units, the cost would be around $90,000. However, you can charge $50 per hour for each unit and make high margins

The best thing about this business is that once you have purchased the equipment and rented a location, you can immediately start making a profit and getting a return on investment. 

You can read more about how to identify the cost of a golf simulator!

Is Opening A Golf Simulator Business A Good Idea?

The demand and popularity of indoor golf facilities have been the trend. While brainstorming about how to start a golf simulator business, you may also think, “is opening an indoor golf facility a good idea?”

Well, like every other business, there are certain challenges and requirements that you have to oversee as a business owner. To make a successful business, your best chance is to learn and study the success of other people who find their place in a commercial golf simulator facility. 

Before learning about how to start a golf simulator business… 

Here are a few reasons why you should open a 24/7 golf simulator facility to make high profits:

Your Customers Will Visit Your Indoor Golf Business All Year Round

Indoor golf is an all-year-round activity. Your customers can experience golfing without worrying about time, weather, or other external matters. This unique factor is the main reason indoor golf facilities are growing rapidly.

However, having customers all year round means you make a stable profit while giving your customers a lucrative environment to play and improve their golfing skills. 

Indoor Golf Simulators Allow Customers To Play At Different Golf Courses

Another unique factor about having an indoor golf simulator business is that you allow customers to play and practice at different golf courses worldwide. 

Virtual golf courses give golfers a realistic golfing experience. Your customers may not be able to spend thousands of dollars and travel to different places to play golf, but they can surely visit your 24/7 golf simulator to enjoy it. 

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5 Tips You Should Know Before Opening A Golf Simulator Business

The commercial indoor golf simulator facility comes with many challenges and consequences. Certain risks may be involved, which should be calculated in your golf simulator business plan.

These calculations can save you from major losses. Below, I have provided five tips you should know on how to start a golf simulator business. 

1 – The Value Of Entertainment Matters

Golf is a simple game to play but impossible to master. It appeals to both youngsters and old people. 

Several aspects might make this game interesting, but the most important element that makes customers visit your facility repeatedly is the entertainment value. 

The good thing is that you can maintain the value of entertainment at your facility by providing a premium experience to your customers with high-tech simulators and accessories. 

Try to install golf simulators in your setup that provide your customers with data about each swing and recommendations for improving their shots. These variables can lead you to a lucrative golfing experience, which could be profitable for your business. 

2 – Study Your Customers

Indoor golf facilities are mostly open to the public, so customers of different skill levels will come. Most come for entertainment, while others join to improve their gaming skills and become pros. 

The theme of your commercial golf simulator facility can influence the type of customers you attract. For example, a person willing to improve their game may get distracted by many other people, TV screens, etc. 

For such customers, you need to set up a facility that welcomes people serious about playing golf and does not take it as a hobby. Otherwise, they will walk the minute they enter your location. 

The key takeaway is to study the location and understand which sort of people will visit you most!

3 – Establish A Food Court & Drinks Bar At Your Golf Simulator Facility

High-quality food with excellent service can also positively impact your business. I suggest you add this factor to your golf simulator business plan. 

Establishing a food court will attract more customers and increase your profits. Serving quality food with drinks will help your customers stay longer.

This way, you provide an immersive golfing experience beyond just playing on the simulator. With that said, give a full-service bar where bartenders offer cocktails and drinks.

For this purpose, you can make a deal with a food chain or someone you can trust and charge them a specific monthly fee to run their business independently. 

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4 – Start Virtual Golf Simulator Tournaments

Organizing competition at your golf simulator business is another effective tactic to attract more customers. Allow your customers to play and compete against each other.

Set top prizes for the winners and create hype for your indoor golf facility. This will attract repeat visitors, which is good for your business. On the other hand, you will be able to create an environment where people interact with one another and build relationships. 

5 – Try To Open A 24/7 Golf Simulator

During the starting days of your business, stay open as many hours as possible. The golf simulator cost per hour can vary on several factors, such as location and equipment quality. 

However, opening a 24/7 golf simulator facility could benefit your business. You can create 24/7 packages for your customers who are willing to pay and create special keycode access for them. 

This flexibility can attract different types of customers, resulting in higher profits!

Also Read: Beginner’s Guide To Using A Golf Simulator


Starting a golf simulator business is profitable but can be time-consuming. The location and equipment you choose matter a lot in this business model. Your golf simulator business plan must include the risks and uncertainties you may experience.

However, having trained staff available at your business can improve the customer experience and help you make your business successful. I have provided complete information on how to start a golf simulator business from scratch.

Don’t forget to consider the tips that I’ve mentioned above.

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